Saturday, March 7, 2015

Get ready for the Joseph Family Reunion - June 2015

Date: June 27-28, 2015

Where: original Joseph Farm, north of O'Fallon, Illinois

When: mid-day through evening

Events: Family games, crafts for children, farm tours, artifact discoveries, visits with farm animals, and a whole-family photo. And, of course, a lot of good old-fashioned socializing. In the evening, we will have an catered meal, plus dessert and ice cream. 

How you can help: Please send us emails or addresses for the Joseph descendants you know. Our list likely has outdated information and missing people, and we want every family member to feel and be included. 
Please drop us an email us with your own contact information as soon as possible: 
OR, you can mail or call: 
Kenneth and Mary Ann Joseph, 
507 O'Fallon-Troy Road, 
Lebanon, Illinois, 62254 

Hello cousins, 
Descendants of Sebastian and Anna Eva Stork Joseph are invited to the official Joseph Homecoming of 2015 at the original Joseph farm north of O'Fallon, Illinois. Sebastian and Anna were parents to 13 children, and we hope to have members of each surviving strand gather together to celebrate our rich and joyous family heritage and have a lot of fun at the same time.

On Saturday, June 27, 2015, families from across the United States will gather at the original Joseph farm for games and historical tours of the farm, family cemetery, home, and barns. There will also be a catered evening meal. A committee of young parents is planning activities especially for our young Joseph cousins. 

All are welcome also to come back to the farm on Sunday, June 28 for breakfast.

The farm is still owned and farmed by Sebastian and Anna's great-great grandson Kenneth and Mary Ann Joseph. With beautiful fields, stunning woods, active livestock, and historical artifacts, the farm remains a center of family life for many Josephs in Southern Illinois. The farm has been in the Joseph name for 166 years. 

We are actively looking for home and email addresses of descendants, young and old, and hope that this will be the biggest reunion since hundreds first gathered together in 1985. 

People move. Addresses and phone numbers change. Gathering addresses and emails for Joseph descendants is a major job for the committee, and if you know of contact information for cousins, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, or nephews, we hope that you'll please send it our way so that we can include as many people as possible in this special event. We want to send out official information by June 1, so please share as soon as possible. 

To help with reunion planning, to provide information, or to secure a reservation, please email the committee at:

Can't wait to celebrate with you in June!